Friday, November 6, 2009
Ubuntu hanya utk Ubuntu
Saturday, October 24, 2009
Freenx server got broken in Fedora?!
I'm afraid I can't help with FreeNX, but if you don't need more than two concurrent connections, the nomachines version works quite well.
Fedora Forum
2009-05-01, 08:05 AM CDT
Patut la aku install & reinstall, tapi tak boleh Run.. Rupanya ada masalah..
How to Download & Setup FreeNX
FreeNX is a system that allows you to access your desktop from another machine over the Internet. You can use this to login graphically to your desktop from a remote location. One example of its use would be to have a FreeNX server set up on your home computer, and graphically logging in to the home computer from your work computer, using a FreeNX client.
Installing the FreeNX server in Ubuntu 8.10 & Ubuntu 9.04
You need to add the following source list to your /etc/apt/sources.list file
sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list
deb intrepid main
deb-src intrepid main
deb intrepid main
deb-src intrepid main
Save and Exit the file
To add the public key of FreeNX PPA using the following command
sudo apt-key adv–
keyserver 2a8e3034d018a4ce
Update the source list using the following comamnd
sudo apt-get update
Install FreeNX server using the following comamnd
sudo apt-get install freenx-server
Note:- Changing default ssh port is Optional
Install ssh in ubuntu
sudo apt-get install ssh
On some machines or networks, port 22 may be blocked or not allowed. For example, some providers block port 22. To make the SSH server listen on port 877, you can do the following
Edit the file /etc/ssh/sshd_config
sudo gedit /etc/ssh/sshd_config
Port 22
and change it to
Port 877
You then need to restart SSHD. Try
sudo /etc/init.d/ssh restart
Edit the file /etc/nxserver/node.conf
sudo gedit /etc/nxserver/node.conf
# The port number where local ’sshd’ is listening.
and change it to
# The port number where local ’sshd’ is listening.
Save and exit the file That is, change the port number to the one that sshd is listening to, and uncomment the line.
If you want to start or stop Freenx server use the following commands
For start
sudo /etc/init.d/freenx-server start
For stop
sudo /etc/init.d/freenx-server stop
Install Freenx client in Ubuntu
Use the following comamnd to install freenx client in ubuntu
sudo apt-get insall nxclient
Opensource client
If you want to install opensource client for freenx use QTNX,QTNX NX client for QT install qtnx using the following command
sudo apt-get install qtnx